Sunday, February 21, 2010

#54: See a Taping of the Colbert Report

I'll make a better post for this, hopefully with Erin, at some point, but because we've gotten behind on the blog, here's a post for now about accomplishing my #54 goal: Go See a Taping of the Colbert Report

So Erin and I went to see The Colbert Report on Wednesday, January 13, 2010. It was amazing. Here’s some stuff that happened.

Before the show, there was a Q&A:

First question was some weird political thing about de facto segregation and he looked really confused but tried to give an answer but then he just gave up and was like "Wait, did they not separate the blacks and the whites in here today?"

Second question: "Chuck, fuck, or marry: Bill O'Reilly, Keith Olbermann, Glen Beck."
Stephen: "Well, first off, they're all insane. Hmm... Marry Papa Bear, because he has his family values. I'd do... uh..."
Someone in audience: "Go for the crier"
Stephen: "The crier? You like a man who cries? *creepy voice* Why don't we go back to my apartment and I'll get all emotional for you."

Me: "Who do you think should play Bilbo Baggins in the Hobbit movies?"
Stephen: "Ah, now we're getting to the topics that are important to me!" And he like, grinned when he said it and it was adorable. "I like uh... who's the one who had sex against the bookshelves?"
Me: "James McAvoy?"
Stephen: "Yes. You know, those bookshelves, my wife and I have those in our house. My wife and I saw the movie and we really liked them, so we had ones like those designed for our house. And we were trying to figure out how wide the lip, the shelf needed to be... and we made it a bit wider. [to me] Who do you think should play Bilbo?"
Me: "I like James McAvoy for it too."
Stephen: "Yeah, I thought he was good as Mr. Tumnus in the Narnia movie." Some girl was like “woo!” for that and he was like "I hope you're cheering for CS Lewis and not the movies." and she said both, and he goes "Okay, marry, fuck kill: James McAvoy, CS Lewis, Bilbo Baggins" XD XD But then filming had to start so we didn't hear her answer.
By the way, he called me "young lady." For some reason that makes me laugh so hard. He like, didn't address anyone else, just said "you," but he was like "Yes, young lady" and I was like "oh god."

And then he kept messing up during the filming. They stopped filming a lot more than for The Daily Show, I guess because since Stephen is playing a character, he can’t crack up as much (though I noticed his one character break made it onto the episode, but that’s probably because he laughed like 4 times on that line.

After the first mess-up: "Well, that's our show. I will now read you this entire book. [reading Game Change] 'What will Barack think?' she asked, unbuttoning her blouse..."

After the second mess-up: "As you may have noticed, I am apparently drunk today."

He messed up during the “angry Pope part” and said: "We'll, we've had a good run, Jay Leno will finish out the show" *audience boos* "What, you don't like that? ... Conan will finish out the show?" *audience cheers* "Oh, I see we're taking sides now" Then he was like “Okay, let’s take it from angry Pope. Angry Pope angry Pope…” XD

At the end: "I don't know if I'm getting a cold or what, but I promise, when you leave here, you'll forget I'm such a fuckup."

He pulled out the Hulk toy during filming breaks and went "RARRR" with it.

In the sports segment, he started after the theme even though he messed up farther on because "This audience shouldn't miss out on the opportunity to hear me sing twice."

"I actually have never made a mistake before. Just by being here, you are all collector's items. Have yourselves notarized."

It was awesome. HERE is the episode we went to see.

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